Study in Poland in English
Studies in English
Studies in English
You do not need to know the Polish language to be able to study in Poland. Knowledge of English, French or German is enough. However, to apply for a course run in one of these languages, you will need a document certifying knowledge of the language at a level sufficient to take part in the classes. This is usually at least intermediate level (B2 according to the standards of the European Framework of Reference for Languages), which means a diploma FCE, CAE, CPE, or in the case of English, for French – a DELF B2 diploma, while for German it’s Zertifikat Deutsch plus 3. Some universities do not require international language diplomas, because they carry out a language proficiency test before the start of the academic year. Information about the whether the school you want to apply to, does such a test required for a course at a given level of proficiency can be found in the description of the course you're interested in.
To study in Poland, of course, you need to have at least secondary education, or have a document confirming that in your country you could also go to college. If you have done an International Baccalaureate or European Baccalaureate, this document is enough to apply for undergraduate studies at Polish universities. If you holds a school-leaving certificate or other document entitling you to study only in your country, you need to nostrify it to confirm that it is equivalent to a Polish matura certificate.
Similarly, to take a post-graduate degree, you need a graduation diploma in Poland or nostrified diploma for such studies outside Poland, which entitles you to apply for second-degree studies in the country in which it was issued. In the case of the nostrified qualifications, you will be required by the end of the first semester to provide the university with a certificate stating the equivalence of such a diploma required at this stage for a Polish diploma. If you do not know how to do all this, please contact our agent. They will give you all the information you need.
Also applying to the third degree, doctoral, you need a document certifying the completion of the second higher education degree. Nostrification of such a diploma is the same as in the case of a certificate of graduation for the first degree.
In Poland, universities operate in almost every major city. The biggest academic centres include: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow, Poznan, Lodz, Gdańsk, Toruń, Lublin and Rzeszow. Every year, a dozen of them reach the ranking of the thousand best schools in the world (Leiden Ranking, Shanghai Ranking).
University studies in Poland are divided into Undergraduate (Bachelor’s) (three or four years) and Graduate (Master’s) (one and a half years or two years) and Doctoral studies (Doctor, Phd).